Individuals purchase different types of insurance in order to protect themselves, their loved ones, or their belongings in the event of a natural disaster or tragedy. They expect that these companies are going to help cover them when something goes wrong.
However, what happens when a disaster strikes such as the Camp Fire recently? How does the insurance company handle these situations and what responsibility do they have? It all depends on the situation and what the cause is.
In the event of the Camp Fire in which questions arise regarding the liability of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the insurance company of the utility company may be the potential focus, especially when individuals file specific claims against PG&E.
The insurance company is there to cover many of the expenses that are used to compensate those who have been negatively affected—by either loss of property or loss of life—as a result of wildfire. Individuals may have their own insurance coverage, but in matters of negligence, it is the responsibility of the liable party’s insurance coverage.
This is an important part of any kind of lawsuit as these insurance companies are often there to defend their own policyholders. In doing this, they bring large legal teams in an attempt to remove liability from those accused of negligence.
When this is the case, those filing lawsuits against a negligent company should recognize their own rights to seek compensation from the insurance company to help cover some of the losses they have experienced.
In the event of a tragic wildfire, there may be loss of property and loss of life, or even significant injuries. When these damages are caused by someone else’s actions—or by a corporation’s negligence—those affected can file the necessary lawsuit for property damage or for a wrongful death case.
Following the Camp Fire, there was a loss of hope for many. Homeowners returned to ash and debris. Some lost loved ones; others lost their property. And it was speculated that negligence played a role.
Our team at Kershaw Talley Barlow stand as a beacon of hope for those in need. Our Sacramento lawyers work hard to help those who don’t know what to do next; for those who feel as though they’ve lost it all. We’re here to give you hope moving forward.