
Current Case: Lead Contaminated Schools

Picture of drinking fountain

At Kershaw Talley Barlow, we are committed to protecting the rights of California families affected by lead poisoning. In 2018, the state passed a law requiring districts to test water sources within the districts. While the law did not meet the standards of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it was found that around 180+ schools’ water sources were contaminated with alarmingly high levels of lead.

This has been an issue for several decades now, as California school districts with schools constructed before the mid-1980s used lead pipes and fittings. Over time the lead eventually seeped into the drinking and cooking water at the schools. Despite the well-documented risks of lead exposure, these schools continued to serve water tainted with lead to their students and teachers. As a result, many children and adults have been exposed to this dangerous toxin.

California Assembly Bill 1931

KTB is currently investigating several cases of lead poisoning tied to thousands of California schools that failed to check and test their source water for lead properly. While we are working to hold those negligent school districts responsible, a new bill was recently introduced that proposes to remove lead fixtures, pipes, and plumbing fittings from state and school buildings.

The bill would also require, until January 2025, or as specified, the State Water Resources Control Board to fund the removal or replacement of lead fittings and service lines. The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse school districts and local agencies for costs mandated by the state.

The bill is currently active and in the committee process. It is up to the Senate if they want to proceed with repealing Section 116891 of the Health and Safety Code relating to drinking water.

Determining a School Lead Poisoning Case

If believe that you or your child has been affected by lead poisoning, please don't hesitate to contact Kershaw Talley Barlow. Our attorneys have the experience and compassion necessary to handle your case. We are also keeping a close eye on Assembly Bill 1931 and how it could potentially help victims of school lead poisoning. Stay tuned for more updates from our blog, and be sure to call us today for more information.

Contact us at (916) 520-6639 or visit our website to fill out a consultation request form.

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