
Suboxone Lawsuit Attorneys in Sacramento

Representing People Injured by Suboxone

Did you use Suboxone and later suffer from serious dental issues like enamel erosion, tooth loss, cavities, tooth infection, and tooth decay? Suboxone could be the cause of your dental problems—and Indivior, the manufacturer of Suboxone, could be liable for your past and future medical and dental expenses and damages related to your pain and suffering.

Kershaw Talley Barlow, a nationally recognized plaintiffs’ law firm known for defective drug cases, class actions, and mass torts, is currently investigating claims of Suboxone’s link to serious dental issues. Furthermore, we are looking into the complaint that Indivior knew or should have reasonably known that Suboxone could cause these side effects but did nothing to warn consumers and healthcare providers. Through legal action, we may be able to prove that Invidior injured consumers and, therefore, should be liable for damages.

You may qualify to file a Suboxone lawsuit with our help if you:

  • Have been prescribed Suboxone film for opioid addiction and/or pain management;
  • Used Suboxone film for at least six months before suffering injuries;
  • Have had routine dental care before Suboxone film usage; and
  • Have never used methamphetamine.

Do you think you have a Suboxone lawsuit to file? Start by calling (916) 520-6639 and speaking with our attorneys during an initial consultation.

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is the combination of buprenorphine and naloxone to treat opioid withdrawal symptoms and reduce opioid cravings. It is used orally by placing it under the tongue or against the inner cheek, where it takes up to 30 minutes to dissolve. Since its introduction to the medical industry in the early 2000s, Suboxone has been prescribed countless times to help patients overcome opioid addiction.

Dental Problems Related to Suboxone

Throughout the years, Suboxone users have experienced a higher-than-expected rate of serious dental problems. The higher incidence of dental damage among Suboxone users compared to non-Suboxone users has pointed to a significant connection between the drug and dental injuries.

Dental damage reported among Suboxone users include:

  • Tooth decay
  • Cavities
  • Tooth cracks or fractures
  • Root canals
  • Oral infections
  • Tooth loss
  • Gum injuries or infections
  • Tongue injuries

Why Should Indivior Be Liable?

The first Suboxone lawsuit was filed in September 2023, and it names Indivior as the defendant for selling a defective and unsafe drug product. Furthermore, it claims that Invidior knew or reasonably should have known that Suboxone could cause serious dental side effects but did not do enough to inform consumers and medical providers who prescribe it. Specifically, the lawsuit – and many others that have since followed – point to several studies and regulatory developments that outline the connection between Suboxone and dental problems that Indivior never addressed or acknowledged:

  • 2013: A clinical study first identified the potential link between buprenorphine and dental damage.
  • 2017: Prescription drug researchers find more evidence that buprenorphine creates a high risk of dental damage and tooth decay.
  • 2022: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns the public that the buprenorphine in Suboxone may cause adverse dental effects, and the drug’s warning label is updated to reflect this change.
  • 2023: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) launches a new research campaign to better understand the connection between buprenorphine and dental damage.

Should You Keep Using Suboxone?

As with any prescription medication, you should not stop using Suboxone without first talking with your doctor. Even if you suspect that Suboxone could be the cause of your dental problems, it is best to share your concerns with your doctor, who can evaluate your condition and help you reach a decision based on your medical history. Alternative medications may exist to help you with opioid withdrawal symptoms, allowing you to continue treatment without the continued use of Suboxone.

Talk to Our Suboxone Lawyers Today

When you want to challenge a defendant as powerful as Big Pharma for harm caused by Suboxone use, start by letting a team as experienced and knowledgeable as ours handle everything for you. The trial attorneys of Kershaw Talley Barlow have recovered over a billion dollars through settlements and awards for our clients throughout the years. Past results cannot guarantee future results, but they do speak to our capabilities when we work together to protect the rights of our clients.

Discover all the ways we can help you with a Suboxone lawsuit. Call (916) 520-6639 now.

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  • What is a personal injury lawsuit?
    A personal injury action is a civil lawsuit that seeks to recover compensation for the harm caused, either physically, mentally, or emotionally, by another’s negligence. Personal injury lawsuits provide a way for victims of preventable accidents to recover compensation for damages like medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and more. In order to be successful, the plaintiff (the injured person bringing the lawsuit) needs to prove that the actions or inaction of the defendant (the person accused of negligence) were to blame for their accident.
  • How many fires in California are started by power companies?
    According to research conducted by, upwards of 90% of all wildfires in California are caused by negligence, such as poor powerline maintenance by power companies. An investigation from NPR was able to pin at least 30 destructive wildfires on PG&E since 2017.
  • Does my injury qualify for a personal injury lawsuit?

    In order to file a personal injury case for negligence, you must meet the four following criteria:

    • Duty – In order to successfully bring a case against a defendant, the plaintiff must show that the law imposed a “duty” on the defendant to act a certain way. This “duty” is an obligation to act as a “reasonable person” would act, and courts have illustrated how a “reasonable person” would act in a variety of specific circumstances. For example, a manufacturer of a product has a “duty” not to release products that can foreseeably cause harm to consumers.
    • Breach – This requirement simply means that a defendant must have failed to act as a reasonable person would have acted in his or her circumstances, and thereby breached his or her duty.
    • Harm – This requirement merely means that the plaintiff must have suffered some kind of real harm, physical, financial, emotional, etc.
    • Causation – This requirement means that a defendant’s breach of duty must have caused the plaintiff harm. There are two types of causation that typically must be shown: 1) actual causation, meaning that, but for the defendant’s breach, the plaintiff’s harm would not have occurred, and 2) proximate causation, meaning that the link between the defendant’s breach and the plaintiff’s harm must not be ‘stretched too thin’ by intervening events or other factors.

    To fully understand your rights after suffering an injury, contact Kershaw Talley Barlow at (916) 520-6639. Our Sacramento personal injury attorneys can provide you with a free case evaluation.

  • When Should I Contact an Attorney?
    We recommend contacting a lawyer as soon as possible if you were injured in a car wreck. An attorney can advise you on what to say to the at-fault party's insurance company, help you collect evidence to support your claim, and ensure you receive the medical care you need. On top of that, California's statute of limitations for personal injury claims is only two years and you will want to give your lawyer as much time as possible in case you decide to file a lawsuit.
  • How many personal injury cases go to trial?

    The majority of civil cases filed are personal injury tort cases where a plaintiff is seeking monetary damages for an injury sustained by another person’s negligence. These lawsuits are brought for various reasons, such as motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, or defective products.

    Many civil cases can be resolved without going to trial through an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process, such as arbitration or mediation. Arbitration and mediation bring together the persons involved in the lawsuit in an informal setting. The goal is to reach a fair resolution without incurring the time and expense of trial.

    While there is no exact national data, the U.S. Department of Justice reports about 4% of all personal injury cases filed nationally actually go to trial. The majority of personal injury cases are resolved in either settlements or dismissals before trial is even assigned.

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